I returned about an hour ago from a trip to Washington National Airport (much as I revere Ronald Reagan, I am not a fan of using the new name) to have my fingerprints and eye-scans taken as the last step in signing up for the Flyclear.com service.
I saw this first at the San Francisco Airport. Next to the maze like arrangement used to squeeze the rabble through security was a straight line to a dedicated metal detector. Entrance to this Valhalla of airport security speed was restricted to those carrying a special ID, obtainable through the website above. I asked a few people who traveled quite a bit if they had heard of this new service, and the answers I got back were generally positive.
For about $10 a month, your fingerprints and a print of your retina (available at little kiosks at major airports), you can obtain this card that entitles you to this special line. As the job I've taken (to begin September 2) will require regular travel, and since I already have a longer than usual dance with security due to my Steve Austin hip, I figured I'd give this system a try. One thing that might rile the libertarians among you, is that you must agree to have your retina scan shared with some other government agencies. This was ok with me.
Do any of you have experience with it? Let me know
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