Interesting article in the Post this morning on Summer homework. Apparently it was all the rage once, but it is now declining in popularity. Well, not in my little corner of the world it isn't. My beloved's two kittens (aged 7 and 9) have a considerable summer's load assigned to them, something I simply do not remember being subjected to as a child.
Which brings me to a couple of other points. Isn't it time we went to year-round school? I mean, come on. Less than two percent of our population subsists around the planting and harvesting calendar...why should we continue to be wedded to this anachronism of a schedule. Perhaps if teachers worked a full year there would be less carping about teacher salaries. Nine months work for 12 months pay has always struck me as a good deal.
Next thing...the amount of homework. I'm shocked by how much homework today's little Dauphins and Dauphines come home with, and how early it begins. One wonders just what it is they were doing in school all day. Oh, right. Learning about manatees and global warming and famous Latin scientists and great Jewish sports legends. All that readin', writin' and cipherin's got to wait until they get home!
CW, didn't you used to study in the bathtub?
ReplyDeleteDifferent question altogether. I was not doing assigned work, I was studying for exams in order to EXCEL.