Sunday, August 10, 2008

Update to Honor Story

Below, I recount in the story of the UVA Honor system, a vignette from my time there. My English TA, Luis Gamez, brought me up on BS academic fraud charges.

Well, looky, looky what I found right here on Al Gore's internet. Seems old Luis wasn't quite as "honorable" a fellow as he made himself out to be. Karma, people. Karma.


  1. CW - I think you have it all wrong. This is clearly a case of an honorable man who lost faith with institutions in whom he had once placed his trust to do the right thing. To wit, when you handed in your collaborative paper that violated the spirit and intent of the UVa Honor Code, and the Honor Court dismissed his claim, of course he became disenchanted and turned to a life of crime. I believe you owe him an apology. Yes, you were but a young CW at that point in your life, but I would hope that you could now look back and, armed with many more years of wisdom, see the error of your former ways. And it is so-o-o much easier to type this than to try to keep a straight face while telling it to you. It does kind of make you want to get in touch with him in the pokey and tell him "go to hell, oh wait, never mind, you're already there."

  2. There are certain, shall we say, side benefits about prison life that Mr. Gamez may have found attractive...
