Friday, September 12, 2008

Palin, Iraq and the WaPost

The left has come to believe that not only did Saddam Hussein have nothing to do with 9-11 (which I believe), but that the thought of Saddam and Osama cooperating on other matters was beyond the pale of possibility (which I don't believe, and which has been very well documented by Steven Hayward of the Weekly Standard). There were too many ties between Iraqi intelligence and major figures in the emerging AQ movement for me not to believe that there could eventually have been cooperation. They had a common enemy (us), and all the reason in the world to get together.

But again, I don't believe Iraq had anything to do with 9-11. I don't believe Sarah Palin believes that either. But you'd never get that from the scurrilous headline in today's paper, "Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 in Talk to Troops in Alaska". Not really. What she said was her son and the others assembled would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans." While I'm sure it plays nicely into the left's narrative that Palin is one of the looney-tunes who think Saddam carried out 9-11, what she actually said was that the soldiers would be fighting enemies who planned and carried out the attacks on 9-11. Is there anyone who questions the extent to which Al Zawahiri (AQ #2) has pulled the strings in Iraq? Is there anyone who questions the extent to which AQ has created supply lines to the Sunni insurgents to provide arms, men, and explosives? The US is INDEED fighting against the people who pulled off 911 in Iraq, but that's because AQ chose to meet us there. Palin didn't say that Saddam had anything to do with 911; her words were well chosen and reflect the situation on the ground.


  1. Maybe it is a wash considering the the McCain-Palin campaign's suggestion that she was always against the BTN or that Obama advocated for sex ed for kindergarteners. Maybe equal time now means: each side's fabrications are given equal time.

    I'll give her credit for not linking Saddam and 9-11, if she (and Straight Talker) stop the shady campaign ads and political misdirection. They are losing me.

  2. I am definitely with you about some of the kefluffels lately. The lipstick/pig thing was silly. Stay strong.

  3. John Q, at least she changed her tune on the BTN, unlike Obama and Biden, who voted for it.

  4. Is the Obama ad that poked fun at McCain's inability to type an email a "kefluffel?" I wonder what kind of response the Obama campaign will provide.

  5. I kind of thought this post was about Palin's comments on Iraq and more importantly how specifically she did on national security issues. Did anyone get an idea that she was anything but a neophyte regurgitating talking points and having no idea what she was saying? I mean if you can't stand up to weak kneed Charlie Gibson who can you stand up to? I would hope that in her 42 years of living she would have a bit more intellectual curiosity to at least keep up on current issues. But hey she is from Alaska, a place I know well, the welfare capital of the country. And hey she is the governor of the state nearest Russia so therefore she must have national security experience. Uh, yeah, do you believe this garbage?

  6. Captain...I was less thrilled with her performance on international affairs than some others are. She needs to get better at deflecting hypotheticals.

    That said, the thread was about the article cited, not her performance in the Charlie Gibson interview. That is discussed in the Bush Doctrine thread. And again, I limited my thoughts to the one issue of Charlie's "gotcha" moment on the Bush Doctrine. I had little if anything to say about the rest of her performance there.
