Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Live Blog Tonight

Once more into the breech! We'll live blog the debate here tonight, so sidle on up with your laptop and be heard!


  1. Great-I'll be there with my stack of yellow flags, ready to hurl one with each mention of 'the failed economic policies of the last 8 years,' 'kitchen table,' 'MainStreet,' 'BushMcCain,'and 'my mother was on food stamps.'
    As an aside, we all know that McCain will not touch the Rev Wright issue. But the American Issues Project apparently is ready to roll out some new ads in the next two weeks and Rev Wright is allegedly going to be the star of at least one of them. So while I know many of you have already given up on McCain, I would ask you all to consider making a donation to the American Issues Project to get some of these ads out there. They're supposedly flush with cash, but of course everything helps. (Wahoo, hope it's okay to use your forum for this solicitation).

  2. Sally - Will you be covering MSNBC or should I? :-)
