Sunday, October 12, 2008

This Just in From Bella Napoli....

GG is doing a great job! Just checked on the internet to verify my flights for tomorrow, and I couldn't resist a quick duck into the site.

The wedding was amazing, and there have been a lot of great people to talk with. Almost all of the Americans are Obama fans, and all of the foreigners are.

Thinking that some of the market sell-off is attributable to folks wanting to take their cap gains before the Obama rate increase....any thoughts?

Ciao! See you in a couple of days.



  1. Some of it definitely is, but the bulk is panic, uncertainty and investors rushing to rid their portfolios of anything smacking of financial stocks.

    Glad you had a great time in Italy.

  2. Wedding in Italy and "Almost all of the Americans are Obama fans, and all of the foreigners are."

    It's good to see that wealthy liberals (with your exception CW)are still able to travel abroad for events that most folks hold in their home towns.

    I'm also glad that soon the Europeans will love us again.

    It'll be interesting though to see how many Americans will be able to actually afford to travel across the pond during the Obama-Reid-Pelosi regime.

  3. Curious how CW enjoyed or did'nt hanging with the dems.? Also, why are military so pro republican?
    Just wondering? devoted dem.

  4. I should say devoted enough to read this particular blog but still definitely dem. With all respect, why? why vote for the non realistic pub? theres the hope it was. and then. the way it is. why not just get on board the reality ship rather than hang out on fantasy island? there will always be gays and blacks and women and other thans...
