Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Education Sinkhole

Here's a story of a $6B program--an unholy spawn of No Child Left Behind--to improve reading skills among first graders. Guess what? It doesn't work. What's most disturbing are the remarks of the Department of Education researcher who did the study--who like most in the modern liberal redoubt of elementary education--believes that the program needs to be "improved". No, the program needs to be canceled.


  1. Didn't The One tell us to read to our children? Might that save us about 6 billion?

  2. Don't worry, CW, The One is reading books about FDR and Lincoln and said he's willing to "experiment" to try to get things right in America. How about "experimenting" with fiscal conservatism?

  3. anon 1 & 2, slow down for those of us not in-the-know: Who is "the One"? Running through the names of those who have been pushing the NCLB (I agree with CW, this is a rotten-to-the-core program that needs to be canceled and replaced wholesale, not 'improved'), but no one's standing out as so deserving.

  4. Anon 3, believe your namesakes 1 and 2 are referring to our Divine Savior, the Annointed One, the President Elect. I have a better recommendation than killing this program. Let's kill the entire department of education.
