Friday, November 7, 2008


Let it rip, my friends, let it rip!


  1. Now that we've come around to Hollywood's way of thinking, do you think we'll start to see a softening in tone toward the military and government in movies and television? Of course we'll always need bad guys - evil Wall Street bankers and corporate types....

  2. Will Pres-elect Obama return to Hawaii to appropriately honor the passing of the grandmother, the typical white person, who raised him?

  3. Following Tuesday's craptacular performance by the GOP, two factions within conservatism are poised to slug it out over the soul of the movement - on one side, moderates armed with polling data indicating an alarming shift in demographics toward the democrat party with potentially long-term and irrevocable results; who feel that the only way to survive is to adapt and modernize - and the other, the hardliners, who feel conservative principles have been diluted by eight years of executive mismanagement, and believe salvation will come through heel digging and adherence to core tenets.

    Any thoughts as to the eventual outcome?

  4. Who cares GG???

    Have you heard of the blizzard sweeping across our heartland??? In early November? There was never snow in November during the Bush years!

    As He told us, "the earth will heal itself and the seas will start to recede." it is happening right before our eyes as Mother nature surely blesses us for our wise choice on Tuesday.

    Snow at last, snow at last. Thank God almighty, snow at last.

  5. Right. Sorry for the downer. Must recalibrate my morphine drip. Hope is here...hope is here. Ah, much better now.

  6. Obama's SF86. Is he required to fill one out? Has he already filled one out? Would be interesting to see his answers.

  7. The blizzard sweeping across the country was not snow, it was a Democrat blizzard. With the ever increasing immigration of people who tend to become Democrats and the present and growing non-white population of approximately 40% there is little hope for the future of conservatism or the Republican party.

  8. Smoothfur, relax. Conservatism is not dead. Conservatives were not punished on Tuesday-conservatives who behaved like liberals were punished. This was equally a 'Hail the Messiah' and 'throw the bums out' election. Our GOP leaders just need to come up with a clearer message, return to their principles and actually behave in concert with them this time.

  9. Sally, I applaud your hope and confidence in the Republican/conservative movement. But that does not negate Smoothfur's point that "with the ever increasing immigration of people who tend to become Democrats and the present and growing non-white population of approximately 40% there is little hope for the future of conservatism or the Republican Party." Smoothfur's point becomes more valid with the passage of time.
