Sunday, November 16, 2008

President-Elect Obama on 60 Minutes

Well folks, we could be in for a long eight years. This guy is good. And likable.


  1. Did you really have any doubt that he'd come across that way in a feel-good, warm and fuzzy interview?

  2. Yeah but he's a fascist (read "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg). If he governs like Clinton we'll be ok but he doesn't have the background Clinton had. Clinton ran a state for years, Obama is Mr. OJT. We'll see if he even recognizes the difference between pragmatism and ideology.

  3. Who didn't like Jimmy Carter in 1976?

  4. Hammer, Are you saying Bush recognized the difference between pragmatism and ideology?

  5. More power to him. But I find his comments about closing Guantanamo so America can 'regain her moral status in the world' overly pious and creepy.
