Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Illinois Governor is a Piece of Work

This is a wonderfully delicious story. The BALLS this guy has!


  1. Yeah, this is priceless. I wonder if he's got any dirt to spill on our new boy.

  2. As Bugs Bunny used to say, "What a maroon!"

  3. Take the time to peruse the MSM and you will notice that they "ACCIDENTALLY" omit his political affiliation.

  4. The lead on the two MSNBC news shows this evening (yes, it's masochistic, I don't know why I do it either) was this story, but after mentioning it everyone fell all over themselves saying 'but of course this doesn't reflect on Pres Elect Obama.'
    How long before Obama comes out with his trademark 'this isn't the man I knew?'

  5. Sally - I recall how much grief you gave me over watching MSNBC a couple months ago. I should've guessed then that you were a closet MSNBC junkie. :-)

  6. I heard a funny comment about MSNBC -- it's the only cable station with more letters than viewers.

  7. I sometimes watch the first five minutes of the MSNBC evening shows just to see the headlines of how silly the shows will be. And I try to predict, too-last night I was sure the stories would be 'IL Gov in trouble, Obama's hands clean, it's all George Bush's fault.' Try it yourself sometime-for instance, Bill Ayers will be on Hardball tonight-I'm sure it will be a hard-hitting, probing, honest investigative piece by the future PA Senator.

  8. Senator said to aid niece's prospects - AP 12/10/2008

    "And Edward Kennedy may have the chance... to return his brother's desk to his daughter."

    Now I know where their constituents get their entitlement mentality from.

    At least Blago engaged in some goog ol' fashioned "horse trading".

  9. John S nailed it but I wonder just what Anon means when he refers to Obama as 'our new boy.' Classic.

    Obama won't be touched because his advisors were approached by this guy and then they notified the feds. -bet we won't hear a word.

  10. I wonder if Al Franken was approached to take the Senate seat.
