Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is Judd Gregg Thinking?

Is he seriously considering taking the Commerce Secretary job? Does he seriously believe that his conservative voice will be anything but a banging gong amidst the din of liberal economists now seemingly running the show? Is he seriously considering being the guy who hands the Dems the filibuster-proof Senate majority? This would be a heavy blow to Republican chances of doing anything to slow the slide into socialism.


  1. You have to admit - it's a fairly shrewd move by Obama.

    But if Gregg can't understand the only reason he was invited to the Sigma Chi Obama Porker Party is because he's 400 lbs., then Republicans have a bigger problem than I thought.

  2. What the heck is wrong with this guy? I understand Olympia Snowe was offered the position too, but turned it down to keep the GOP numbers intact.
    But isn't there some deal afoot with the Dem NH Gov to appoint a Republican to the seat?

  3. His number one job as a Republican should be to fortify the filibuster proof Republican minority... I don't know what he is thinking at all.

  4. They MUST defeat the EFCA. It is total socialism. I hope this doesn't jeopardize it's failure.
