Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Gender/Pay Gap Rubbish

According to the GAO, female federal employees make 89 cents for every dollar made by male employees. How useful a statistic is this? Amalgamating the entire workforce by gender proves nothing. Comparisons of apples to apples are the only relevant measures, and I have little or no doubt that at GS14 step 3 female makes the same money that a GS14 step 3 male makes.


  1. Oh CW, you sexist pig. You completely dismiss that there are not as many female Step 3 GS 14s as there are males because of sexist, demeaning and demoralizing male-domintated policies. Have you never heard of the GLASS CEILING? Hello? Oh, by the way, what color ribbon and bracelet are we supposed to wear in support of Equal Pay Day? I want to be prepared. Now what did I do with my Patricia Shroeder pin? It has to be somewhere in here with my Bella Abzug collection...

  2. Does this mean that they have a valid complaint if there are men in their career field who are paid more than they am paid? Never mind if they are better qualified, better educated and have more responsibility, sex should be the only determining factor. Conversly if there are women being paid more than I am paid they should give it up.

  3. Smoothfur - "sex should be the only determining factor" and "they should give it up". I like the way you think!

  4. Mudge You are the sexist pig because you never include womens choices, have you ever heard that maybe some women prefer to stay home so those positions have to be filled. No i am sure that would of concern to you. The pay gap is a rort.I know millions of men who earn less then women and the subject of maternity leave, women wish to be paid for this leave so essentially they would be paid more per hour of work then the male in the same position so stop with you rheotoric bull. Sick of feminism destroying value. Grow a brain you hypocrite
