Tuesday, September 8, 2009

No Racist Charge Here, Move Along

The President's stratospheric popularity seems to be ebbing a bit (don't get too excited friends, it had to happen), and much of the decline is in white independents. Why, you may ask? Could it be that these voters tend (by dint of being independent) not to be particularly loyal? Could it be that white voters (in general) are move broadly distributed between the parties? Of course not. It is racially motivated (you don't say).

Here's Charlie "I Have to Pay What?" Rangel: "One black congressman, Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.), was quoted last week alleging that opposition to Obama's healthcare policies was "a bias, a prejudice, an emotional feeling. Some Americans have not gotten over the fact that Obama is president of the United States. They go to sleep wondering, 'How did this happen?' " Rangel said, according to the New York Post.

Nothing here folks. Move along. (H/T Instapundit)


  1. Independents and moderates are not interested in politics. By their nature they just aren't. Any breeze will sway them and unfortunately those are the folks you need to get elected. Since they are so disengaged they are easy targets for smears, lies, head fakes, half-truths etc. They don't like confrontation so when someone cries racism (or some other charge) their knee-jerk reaction is to give in.
    They are followers, just the kind of voter you want if your goal is to deceive and confuse. Plus, they have no guts, so if you can grab power they are just the kind of citizen you want. They can be bullied.

    A lesson from history: Stalin killed all the bolsheviks because they were the movers and the shakers. They believed what they believed and they were willing to go to the mat for their beliefs. In other words they were dangerous, so he killed them. Nobody ever killed a moderate.

  2. How can this be? You must be mistaken.

    The Ghost of Haloween Past said "I'm finding that most charges of racism on this subject -- the back-to-school speech -- all seem to be coming from the Right, as in, 'it's not because he's black' or 'I expect you'll claim I'm a racist'-variety of comments. But I've not seen anyone on the Left here calling you or any of your fellow posters/commenters on racism."

  3. Chicken MiddleSeptember 08, 2009

    Independent/moderate here interested in politics. Not swayed by your hot air. It is really a shame that you found this blog, because you sully a forum that has been one where smart people come to lay out reasoned arguments, your "contributions" notwithstanding. It is clear since your arrival at this site, you've adopted the quantity over quality mantra.

    May I suggest you start your own blog? You could call it www.adhominemanddemagogy.com

  4. Chicken Middle, very appropriate name. I mean really, who cares what you think? Do you even know what you think? Most moderates haven't a clue until someone tells them. They have a "can't we all just get along, we can work it out, come together" mentality. Moderates tell themselves they are above the fray, more reasonable, more thoughtful. The fact is most are gutless cowards, compromisers and appeasers. They make perfect bureaucrats. They're the good Germans who were just following orders. Moderates are adamant in their ambiguity, dogmatic in their confusion and insist upon their right to believe in nothing. I despise your politics as much as collectivism because your simple-minded nihilist approach is just as much a threat to liberty.

    But what's also annoying is moderates want credit for the good fight (unless everything goes pear shaped and then it's “who me?”). You people are like the third string quarterback who takes a knee the last couple of downs but still wants to be interviewed by the red-hot sportsbabe. But enough about you, we know who you are even if you don't.

    To be honest I think it's me you dislike more than my politics, so a quick word about my background. I have been interested in politics for over forty years. I vaguely remember Kennedy/Nixon but came of age during Vietnam. I later took a degree in politics and I'm very proud of the fact I was universally hated by my professors (I gave the socialist bastards HELL!). I have a terribly insulting sense of humor on the theory if you piss someone off they might actually tell you what they really think. I believe in laissez-faire economics, the American Constitution and a merciful God. I also believe you have no rights other than the rights you are willing to fight and die for. That's me in a nutshell. One last thing, Chicken. I know I like to act the fool on occasion and I sometimes provoke when I shouldn't. But let's be friends shall we? I'll try to do better and if I've offended you in any way with some of my postings, I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to kiss my ass.

  5. Chicken MiddleSeptember 09, 2009

    To the question, who cares what I think?

    Who wants to know?

    As to the rest of your post. I'll let your ignorance stand on its own.

  6. Sticks and stones...eh Chicken? What's the matter, not much intellectual horsepower under the hood or just out of gas? That's OK, I'll leave it alone.
    See you next time sweety.
