Saturday, September 26, 2009

Obama Will Get Healthcare Legislation

Back when I was in grad school, I had a professor who used to say that our system is not "majority rules"--but "the rule of a determined majority". That's what we have now--a determined majority. Read Keith Hennessey's assessment of the legislative landscape--listen to the signs and signals that are coming from Reid and Pelosi. While we'll all have a grand time watching the Blue Dogs make some noise, in the end, they just don't have the numbers to do anything but nuance legislation (which to a large extent, they already have).

What comes out of Congress is going to be something much like the Baucus Bill--no public option, but much of the rest of what the President wanted. This will be a bitter pill for many Democrats to swallow, but if they took a big breath they would celebrate 1) the largest expansion of government since the 1960's and 2) that the camel's nose is in the tent with respect to single-payer.

What we are seeing is the value of winning elections--and yes, I know that sounds obvious here. I'm talking about the "process" of winning. I'm talking about are the 2006 mid-terms....and the 2008 elections. The Democrats concentrated on winning. They fielded better candidates. They capitalized on discontent...all things Republicans should be doing. And for good or bad, they are effectively using their power to accomplish their goals. There's a lot hear to (re)learn. I hope we're paying attention.

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