Monday, September 28, 2009

WaPost Continues Its Role in the VA Gov Race

The Post LOVES to tilt elections in Virginia.....they're now so in the tank for Creigh Deeds it isn't even funny. Democrat ex-Governor Douglas Wilder is refusing to endorse Deeds, and it gets a Metro section below the fold mention. As Katherine Lopez of NRO points out, if it were a prominent ex-Republican governor withholding support for McDonnell, you'd read it on page one....

1 comment:

  1. Just look at the title of the article 'Wilder declines to endorse anyone' as though he just didn't feel like it. What's actually more interesting than this non-endorsement is that the White House has lobbied Wilder to endorse him and he thumbed his nose at them.
    I can't think of many reasons for Wilder not to endorse Deeds other than not wanting to be on record endorsing a loser.
