Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wherefore Flowchart Thou?

A handy, if not timely, racism determinator here from (h/t that, I believe, settles once and for all, the debate about who is racist and who isn't. I particularly like it because it does actually consider that a non-white might, just might, be racist. See where you fall in this assessment.

To be fair, I listened to a snippet preview of the President speaking on Meet the Press this morning before getting on the road wherein he addressed former and still reigning worst President of my lifetime Carter's decree that any and all who dare question Him (no, not Christ--even Christ is okay to critique these days, no, I'm talking about the new Savior) are racists. I was actually taken somewhat aback at the President's dismissal of (Not Welcome Back) Carter's sweeping edict. In it, he made a surprisingly cogent comment that while there are probably some who didn't vote for him because of the color of his skin, there where certainly those who voted for him precisely because of that AND that the real push back he is getting from the voters is a fundamental disagreement on the degree to which government should be involved in the affairs of the citizenry. It's the first time in a while that I felt compelled to say, "Thank You, Mr. President." I still don't like your governing. But I appreciate, greatly, that acknowledgment.

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