Thursday, October 22, 2009

Arrested for Being Naked in His Own Kitchen

Hat Tip--REASON Online.

I'm thinking there may be more to this, but if there isn't, it is surely ridiculous.


  1. You know, if the tables were turned here and this guy had cut across this woman's front yard at 0530 and saw her naked in her kitchen, he'd be spending the day registering as a sex offender. Maybe she'll think twice about cutting across other people's property and teaching her young daughter to do the same. But I seriously doubt it.

  2. You know, I have to think there is probably language in the HOA -- (Springfield, VA -- gotta have an HOA) -- that probably specifies you keep your drapes open at 5:30 a.m.

    I'd sue the HOA.

    It's the Northern Virginia way.

  3. Regularly peruse the internet for stories about naked men CW? Uh... not that there's anything wrong with that.
