Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Say "Peninsula" You Say "Peninshula"

George Bush the Younger's malapropisms used to enrage me--I can remember watching big speeches just hoping he didn't screw up. I liked what he said, I just didn't like the way he said it. The word "nuclear" always seemed to trip him up, as it did our only nuclear engineer President, Jimmy Carter (who also pronounced it "nuc-u-lar".

That said, GWB used to say "peninshula". Bothered the hell out of me. But not nearly as much as listening to the Canadian professor of The Italian Renaissance use the word CONSTANTLY in my latest Teaching Company course.

So I just looked it up. How bout that. It is an accepted pronunciation. GWB wasn't such a rube after all.

1 comment:

  1. Why all this threatening talk about putting a pen in me?
