Friday, October 9, 2009

The Nobel Prize to The One

I would say that this was incomprehensible, except that the Nobel Peace Prize has become a ridiculous platform for world liberalism. Viewed through that lens, this is completely understandable.

Viewed through a lens of accomplishment? Not so much.


  1. Our Commander in Chief, trying to make up his mind how to wage a war, just won the Nobel Peace Prize? Oh brother.

  2. I was a bit shocked myself. The move by the Nobel committee definitely cheapens the past Peace Prize winners.

  3. Hold it a second. Obama has done more to assuage the guilt of white liberals than anyone before. He is trying to give them peace. Now he needs to follow through and take their money and their jobs and their security. He needs to cast their children into poverty and bring the downtrodden into the loving bosom of the government. Whitey needs to be bleed, humiliated, abused and enslaved. Maybe then, just maybe the gnawing shame and guilt will go away for the liberal. But I doubt it.
