Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why the President Ignored Iranian Street Demonstrators

Very interesting blog post here from Powerline, summarizing a Time Magazine report. According to the Time report, the President was involved in a deeply personal way with the conduct of secret negotiations with the Iranians on the nuclear issue--beginning in June of this year. What else was going down in June? Well, the Iranian election results and the concomitant street demonstrations. Wanna know why the President seemed so unsympathetic to the demonstrators? Well, a reader of Instapundit has made the connection for us:

"Basically, he turned his back on the Iranian people because that whole free election fight of theirs wasn’t nearly as important as the nuclear deal he was working out with Iran’s regime. Too bad the regime couldn’t be trusted to actually live up to its end of the bargain. Big surprise there, that you can’t trust political leaders who believe in silencing their own people..."

But the world will go on loving us anyway, because The One is in office, not George Bush. Worry not about support for Democracy or anything as ephemeral as that, we're all about cold-headed realism, the kind that means you sometimes have to screw those with whom you usually make common-cause--ask Poland and the Czech Republic....


  1. Can't help but wonder how much harder and longer the Iranian population would have fought if they felt supported from the historic global standard bearer for freedom. It didn't take them, or their government, long to realize that this administration pulled that 'standard bearer for freedom' shingle down the day they moved into the White House. The Iranian people would have better success counting on France for their moral encouragement.

  2. Very true. Look at what the Ruskies have done in response to Obama's decision on missile defense. How do you say "Screw you sucker!" in sputnik?

  3. I have had the privilege of talking to senior officers from around the Gulf. They are generally supportive of President Obama. However, an interesting common thread is that they all wish he would be more like Pres. Bush in his desire to spread democracy. They don't believe he pushes for democracy like GWB and it worries them some.

  4. I think it is hard to push for something that you resent.
