Monday, November 30, 2009

Moving One Step Closer To An Israeli Strike.....

Iran does not fully appreciate the position in which it is headed; buy oil futures now.....


  1. Here's what I don't understand about Ahmadinejad--the 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate to Be extended his hand in friendship and asked him not to build more enrichment facilities. I'm guessing the translators did a lousy job (how do you say "kumbaya" in Farsi?). No way an Iranian dicator would otherwise be able to resist such a powerful political maneuver as that. You know, he may be jealous that he only got a handshake. Seems like just about everyone else is getting bows and apologies. Either way, this development flies in the face of every bit of political wisdom in our current administration. It may be time to unleash a strongly worded statement of disappointment, tempered of course by an acknowledgement that perhaps Iran is understandably still suspicious of a country that twice elected the evil Bush. Fortunately, we didn't expend any political capital getting, say, the Russians to weigh in on our supposed behalf. Oh wait...

  2. This situation scares me the most. And like most catastrophic events it was entirely preventable. When Oh Lord will we learn the lessons of energy independence.
