Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nick Gillespie Reminds Us of Government's Reach

Nick Gillespie is one of the heavy hitters at Reason Magazine and Tune into this interesting little video describing the details of a battle between UPS and FEDEX, and how UPS is turning to the Feds (through the Teamsters) to screw FEDEX and raise their labor costs.



  1. "Oh look, there's the Package Delivery Czar." Priceless indeed!

  2. I have a new tagline for the coming FedFedex: When it absolutely, positively has to be delivered somewhere, sometime.

    And, CW, I am sure you meant, instead of "to screw FEDEX and raise their labor costs", "to make FEDEX Corporate Swine accountable to compensate their hard working labor force with living wages.

    BTW, another one about to hit the pike: mandatory paid time off for workers with "communicable diseases". Oxymoron of the day: Labor Union

  3. Tom de PlumeNovember 11, 2009

    My neighbor is an executive with UPS and he is giddy with excitement over the Obama/teamsters screw job they are preparing for FEDEX.

  4. It is so depressing what we've come to. Each day that passes I understand more and more where Ayn Rand was coming from with Atlas Shrugged. In my heart of hearts I never though I'd live to see it in America. I was wrong. Michael Munger (a Duke guy) was on the radio the other day and he said he recently taught a course on the Constitution to a group of Chinese nationals. Through class discussion the whole focus became the disconnect between what the document says and how it is practiced. In other words, disinterested observers can clearly see how we have subverted the greatest political document in the history of mankind. Just remember, the Philippines adopted our Constitution word for word and they still had Marcos. We are in so much trouble.

  5. Considering the course of events since last fall's bailout deluge and Obama's new New Deal, UPS-vs-FedEx may be just a warmup act for the Capitol Hill battles we'll soon see in every industry.

    Timothy P. Carney is The Washington Examiner's Lobbying Editor,

  6. Employees:20,513
    UPS Fact Sheet

    Among top 10 largest airlines in the world
    jet aircraft:264
    Chartered aircraft:292
    Total aircraft: 556

    Daily flight segments
    Domestic - 959;
    International - 763
    Airports served Domestic - 400; International - 435


    Employees: More than 140,000 worldwide
    Countries & Territories Served: More than 220 countries and territories
    Airports Served: 375 worldwide
    Aircraft Fleet:
    Total Aircraft: 654 worldwide

    Fed-Ex has 98 more aircraft than UPS.
    Both companies lease additional aircraft for the November December holiday periods.

  7. Ha ha...I can't stop laughing.

    "Oh look. There is the package delivery Czar."
