Monday, January 18, 2010

Dems Running Scared

NYT reports (courtesy NRO) that the White House and Congressional Democrats are going to ask House Leaders to vote on the bill that passed the Senate, removing the requirement for a conference committee (and therein sending the bill straight to the President). This is going to get real, real interesting....


  1. It is bad enough that the Dems want to pass a bill that the majority of Americans do not want, but if they push it through in an even more underhanded fashion there should be hell to pay.

  2. But the pro-lifers won't buy this...will they?

    Isn't it amazing-you'd think the MA scare, no matter how it turns out, would finally shake them out of their complete and total tone-deaf state. But they're actually doubling down.

  3. Are they tone-deaf--or are they principled? Are they actually sacrificing short-term gain for long-term goals? If the cost of restructuring the relationship between the governed and the government is loss of power--they appear ready to pay that price.

  4. You bet the hard left is ready to pay the price. Individuals like Barney Frank are more than willing to sacrifice blue dog Democrats to get this agenda passed. And it's not really a loss of power if you look at it long term.
    Look the Democrats don't want to be in the loop, they want to be critical to the loop. Years ago when Sweden was going hard left they taxed the hell out of the newspapers and then gave them subsidies. Guess how many newspapers complained?
