Friday, January 22, 2010

Health Care Reform Was Only A Smokescreen

The Spanish newspaper ABC is quoting Venezuelan stooge Hugo Chavez as saying that the US is behind the recent Haitian earthquakes by way of a Doomsday-like machine being tested by the US Navy.

Chavez claims that Haiti was only a drill, that the true target is...Massachusetts. Just kidding, it's the destruction and taking over of Iran. Ooo goodie, more nation building.

Earthquake machines. It all sounds so....eeeevil. Mmmmwahahaha!


  1. They clearly had it wrong. It was GWB's weather machine.

  2. Chavez is too much. But if we can spin GWB into this as well as Dick Cheney and maybe have the project run by Haliburton this could make for an excellent story.

  3. I never noticed Obama's pinky ring before. Rather gay I must say.

  4. The Earthquake Machine. Wasn't that in one of the Pink Panther movies?
