Tuesday, January 19, 2010


A lot of folks from Mass checking in on the blog today. If Brown wins, forget all I said about it being a Banana Republic.

If you're from Mass--what's the experience like today?


  1. I've always loved Massachusetts since those wonderful days I spent at Ft. Devens. The people there are warm and generous. I was especially taken by your independent, self-reliant nature and your openmindedness. I urge you all to do the right thing, vote Brown.

  2. I was born and raised in Massachusetts and my fondest memory of the Bay State is the view in my rear view mirroe as I was leaving. But then not many places have it written about their home town
    "Chelsea, Massachusetts, is small and rough, a shard, highlighted by flashes of blade and bullet. The city seems always on the verge of a riot."

  3. Ghost of Halloween PastJanuary 19, 2010

    The horror. The horror.

  4. If hell is freezing over, better throw them Kennedy boys a few blankets.

  5. I think Massachusetts has spoken for all of America:

    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

    Massachusetts, and hopefully the rest of America, will not be fooled twice.

  6. We (All Americans) must now be ever vigilant to ensure that those presently in elected office do what is right for America.

  7. I was lying. I have a higher regard for ringworm fungus than Massachusetts. I spent six months there (Ayer) at ASA school and it was not pleasant. Wall to wall assholes and as anti-military as it gets.

  8. CW - Perhaps what you had here was the banana "split" (ba-dum!)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
