Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Next Guy To Lose His Job.....

....will be ADM Denny Blair as the Director of National Intelligence. His fight with CIA Director Panetta over who will appoint "Chiefs of Station" at our embassies worldwide was his first mistake--and his testimony before the Senate recently is number 2. If someone's going to take a fall over the Skivvy Bomber, it's going to be Blair.


  1. Did you see those Senate hearings? Talk about being asleep at the wheel!

  2. The Senate hearings were stunning. How he still has a job is actually the most amazing part after some of his statements.

    CW, there is a larger issue here. Why has the National Intelligence "structure" given up? It has essentially rolled over. When did this attitude start? There is obviously a HUGE moral issue and I am not sure that the current intelligence command structure has any idea how, or any intention to right this ship.

    The countries intelligence is now in a fog as perhaps never before.

    I expected more from ADM Blair who was/is phenomenally qualified, but I honestly feel that similar to Gen. Jones, he has been marginalized and has no real power.
