Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama's Big Lie

Goldwater's Ghost brought this up a few days ago, and the story has been simmering since. The co-opted media hasn't been giving it much shrift, but that's to be expected. Andrew Breitbart provides this great little video showing the President promising 8 times to do the health care deliberations in public, on C-SPAN. C-SPAN's honcho Brian Lamb has even made the request.

Madame Speaker seems to be a little peeved at the suggestion that the work be done in public, taking a little swipe at The One in the process. Seems she thinks Mr. Obama promised quite a few things while campaigning that he's not living up to.


  1. I don't see it as much a swipe at "The One" as I do a condescending backhand to the 53% of the American public who bought into his transparency rhetoric.

    Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

  2. Watch Dems start distancing themselves from the President on the "transparency" theme.

  3. A recent Pew Research Center poll shows people consider the two most important events of the decade to be 1. The 9/11 terrorist attacks and 2. Barak Obama's election.

    Which was the greater disaster for our country?
