Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Spanked Children Happier, More Successful

Well how bout that? You mean to tell me that if a child comes to feel that there are undesirable consequences to acting certain ways, he or she may not act that way? Well, glory be, who-da thunk it?

Note that neither this study, the story, nor I is advocating child abuse. What I am saying is that a healthy fear of a spanking is a superb deterrent, one increasingly out of fashion with a generation of parents who wish to relate to their children as simply small adults. They aren't.



  1. I couldn't agree more!!!

    A spanking! A spanking! Me first! I've been very naughty!


  2. The vast majority of professionals agree that child buttock-battering isn’t healthy. A marginal few (mostly religious fundamentalists as those at Calvin) think that child bottom-slapping is good. They use the same selective literalist interpretation of the Bible as was used to justify “witch”-burning, depraved torture methods for those accused of sin and heresy, slavery, racism, wife-beating, oppression of women and a host of other social ills.

  3. I absolutely love it when I post something that is only marginally meaningful to me, but which brings out the wing-nut true believers. PDeverit's associated with "Project NoSpank" whose website is here (http://www.nospank.net/)--if you'd like more information on the "spanking is sexual abuse" meme.

  4. Yes. Everyone who takes child welfare seriously is a "wing-nut" (including every professional, association, country, etc. I've listed here.)
    Child welfare issues are only "marginally important".

  5. Uh, CW, every time I get spanked, it's more than a meme.

  6. Psssst PDeverit

    I don't think CW is saying that "Everyone who takes child welfare seriously is a "wing-nut"".

    I think his statement was just his roundabout, non-confrontational, gentlemanly way of indicating that you may be a wing-nut.

  7. Well I should say that I think that spanked husbands are happier, more successful.

    HEY NOW!
