Monday, February 1, 2010

Barney Frank At Davos

Quoted in yesterday's WaPost:

"But Rep. Barney Frank, who attended the Davos session as one of the selected "challengers" for the three presenters, called for large cuts in defense spending as well as tax increases -- particularly on wealthy Davos types. "I think almost every American here pays much less in taxes than you ought to. I'm going to go back and try to raise the taxes of most of the people who attended here," Frank vowed. "


  1. Me thinks he is still bitter about being kicked out of the Navy.

  2. If I were in Congress every time Barney proposed a income tax increase I would propose an initial 400% tax increase on all condoms. The more "elaborate" the condom, the higher the tax. When we started getting into the ribbed, gnarly, lubricated, Johnny "Wad" Holmes Signature models, well let's just say the tax would be significant. After all, one must pay for their pleasures.

  3. Hammer - So much for keeping Robert Thorn's fly population affordably under control.

    And, to the topic at hand, how has Barney escaped any accountability for the mortgage crisis? Perhaps he's following, effectively, the best defense is a good offense axiom?
