Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Conservative Wahoo LIVE! Tomorrow at 8PM Eastern--CALL IN SHOW

Although I'll plan a show to fill dead air--I'd like to do an entire show of calls tomorrow night--sorta like a Big Fat Friday Free For All, except that on internet radio, we can have a dialogue.

The show can be heard at The Conservative Wahoo Live! and the call in number is 347.637.2203

Call in and let's talk--what's on your mind?


  1. I'm gonna pour a Cutty, fire up a Gispert Robusto (one of my recession cigars) and pick up the phone.
    But I warn you, I'm not nearly so charming in person.

  2. Tom de PlumeFebruary 03, 2010

    Sorry, won't be able to attend. It's our exchange student's last night in America so we're going out to dinner.

    But maybe another caller can bring up the following; if DADT is scrapped, won't the presence of openly serving homosexuals offend the Islamic members of our military?

  3. Just buy her a Hershey bar, bring her to the airport and hang a sign around her neck.
    What's more important, your brother or some German kid?
