Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Conservative Wahoo LIVE! Tonight at 8PM

Join in the fun tonight on The Conservative Wahoo Live! Call in at (347) 637-2203

Here's sorta kinda the outline for tonight, though if we get a lot of callers, we'll focus on what you want to talk about.

Conservative Wahoo Live!
17 February 2010

• Evan “Bye” Bayh
o Principled move
o Sick of the Senate
§ Probably has something already to move onto
§ $13M in the bank—probably would have won
o Presidential contender
§ Though saw the Clinton/Obama machines coming in 2008 and decided not to run
o Raises the chances of Repubs taking the Senate

• Biden/Cheney Throwdown
o Dueling Sunday appearances
o Obamaians want it both ways
§ Want to say they do things differently
§ While they continue to do things the same
o Point to Shoe bomber as evidence for how Bush team did things
§ Shoe bomber three months after 9-11
§ No commissions existed
§ Of course they mirandized him!
§ Would never have happened as time went on

• Winter Olympics
o Feminization of sport?
§ Ridiculous mandolin playing gauzy human interest stories
§ Contrast competition vs. human interest stories in coverage 30 years ago vs today
§ Doc Milnamo brought this up on the blog
§ What do you think? Is it all about bringing more female viewers? Or is it what America wants?

• Climage-gate
o Melting Himalayas?
o Fudged data?
o Has there been so much damage done to the science of climate change as to make it irrelevant?

• Assault on Marja (Afghanistan)
o Great week for the Marines, for coalition forces
o Interesting tactic—told the enemy we’d be coming
§ Gave them a chance to bug out
§ What do you think of this tactic?
§ Strict ROE slowing the pace of things?
• Tension of wanting to fight and kill the enemy with the reality of winning hearts and minds.
o I am in support of the President’s Afghanistan policy---thought he took a bit long to get there, but do not begrudge him the deliberation.

• Discussion with the Kitten
o I was lucky because I don’t have biological children
o I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about the world left to my children—because I don’t have any
§ My response: True enough—no children. But I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about most things.
§ My hope, my enthusiasm, my confidence in this country and its ability to persevere is boundless
• We have a system of government more closely aligned with the strivings of the human heart than any other system yet devised by man.
• It is imperfect, but it is the best yet.
• We will face enormous challenges….but we will overcome them because the US IS a special place—we are exceptional.
• So no, I don’t spend a lot of time worrying—but then again, if I had children, I wouldn’t do much worrying either.


  1. How long ya gonna be podcasting? Castro couldn't cover all that in one of his 8 hour marathon speeches.

  2. I'm sorry I mussed it CW. Was still opening birthday presents!!!!
