Monday, February 22, 2010

Coulter v. Pelosi (Perchance to dream)

I'm not a particularly avid fan of Ann Coulter. In fact, I more often cringe than laugh at her. I also am apparently one of the few middle-aged conservative males who does not find her particularly attractive (I actually think she is becoming more and more ghoulish--see photo at link). That said, you have GOT to read this account of her performance at CPAC.

I particularly liked her shot at the First Lady's "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country" comment. I also liked her comment about...well, read the article. I actually liked them all. Even the likely-to-make-the-left-cry-foul comment about Ted Kennedy.

Like her or not, she's unabashed about skewering the left when the left has left reason out of the she's a pretty busy skewerer these days.

Can't you just picture the Botox-filled prune face of Mme Speaker as she attempts to stammer a response before Coulter is already on to the next slashing witticism?

Cue the band: "Dre-e-e-e-eam, Dream Dream Dre-e-e-eam, Dre-e-e-e-eam..."


  1. Yeah, and you're so damned handsome right? I wish you guys would grow a pair. "I don't like Coulter, she's mean". Give me a break. She kicks ass and takes names, and for a liberal she's the bitch from Hell. She infuriates them, and I love her for it. After all, they've been doing it to us for years when nobody could or would answer back.
    Tell you what, watch that prick Bill Maher and then listen to Coulter (they're actually good friends). That might put things into perspective for you.

  2. I am damned handsome as a matter of fact...just ask me.

    It's not that she's mean, it's that she's a little too amused by herself and too frequently turns herself into a lampoon of conservatives from time to time.

    But I did like her performance at CPAC.

    And no, I won't listen to Maher.

    And she really is kind of scary looking. But then I am SOOO damned handsome that I can afford to be more discerning. And humble. And disillusioned.

  3. You're Ok Mudge but Ronald Reagan's first commandment was: "Thou shalt not criticize another Republican."

    Coulter is the the Knights Templar, the SAS, the Waffen SS (OK bad example) of the conservative movement. And good looking or not, I'm crazy about her.

  4. Fair enough. Any time you invoke Reagan, it's tough to argue.

  5. Oh the viscious stripes left by the lash of truth.

    Give em hell Ann.

  6. No she isn't CW. Did you read her last column? Here ya go:

    She actually mentions Maddow and as it happens speaks to your snide little comment.

    Look, all I'm saying is this; Apart from Dick Cheney Coulter is the most hated, most slandered person in America. The MSM hates her like none other so it stands to reason those easily influenced or the closed minded or the "can't we all just get along" crowd wouldn't like her as well. I'm just saying don't let other people do your thinking for you. You have a problem with Coulter let's hear it. But comparing her to Maddow who slings lies night after night and nobody ever calls her on it, well it's just ludicrous.

  7. "You have a problem with Coulter, let's hear it."

    Yes Hammer, I have a problem with Coulter. I have a problem with anyone on either side who coarsens civil debate by demonizing the other side. I would prefer to settle political questions through inquiry and debate, not through name-calling and schoolyard bullying. This is not the Coliseum, and we are not a bunch of Romans demanding bread and circuses whilst we enjoy bloodsport below--at least I didn't think it was.

    That you may enjoy Coulter's approach is not a surprise to me. From what I can tell, you take a good deal of comfort from viewing the world along stark lines of delineation--black or white. This is the world of Ann Coulter, this is the world of Rachel Maddow. Bush Bad, Bush Good. Obama Bad, Obama Good. Government Bad, Government Good.

    I wish that I were more comfortable in that world. Yet the everyday experience of living in my skin tells me that things are more complicated than that. It tells me that not only will you sometimes have to send someone to Washington who votes with Harry Reid on a jobs bill--you might actually send money to him to help him along the way. It tells me that while I respect the principles upon which Jim DeMint, Bob Corker and Jim Inhofe base their politics in the Senate, their views are incredibly unlikely to ever prevail as broad policy options.

    I suppose your smart ass comment about my letting other people think for me flows from the fact that I said as much in my post from Keith Hennessey today. I assure you, that was a tongue in cheek statement. I think for myself, as the 1500 or so blog posts I've made here should attest. And while doing so, I've come to conclude that while the Ann Coulters and Rachel Maddow's of the world may have a place, and they may have adherents on their side of the aisle, their approach to politics is ultimately destructive and impractical.

  8. I appreciate your opinion but we'll just have to disagree. To begin with I'm not some teenager who see things in black and white. And this ain't State-Carolina. This is about freedom. As I've said before, the nominal state of man is tyranny and the war against it should, no, must be fought on all fronts. Not just the analytical policy wonkish way some are comfortable with. That's why I like the Ann Coulters and Glenn Becks of the world.
    Look at it this way CW. How many votes did the Comedy Channel deliver for the Democrats? How many votes did the entertainment industry in general deliver? The answer is a friggin' ton. The Democrats get it. They get their message out to as many people as they can in ways they can understand. It's all about pulling that lever.
