Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Libertarian Are You?

Interesting quiz here called Your Libertarian Purity Test.

I scored a 23 which means "You are a soft-core libertarian. With effort, you may harden and become pure." Sounds about right to me.

H/T--The Unreligious Right


  1. 74, seems about right...

    51-90 points: You are a medium-core libertarian, probably self-consciously so. Your friends probably encourage you to quit talking about your views so much.

  2. Bryan, I'm a 21, even softer than you, so don't feel bad...I worry about the 74 guy, though...

  3. Ghost of Halloween PastMarch 30, 2010

    16 - hmm, I'm softcore along with GG.

  4. GHP--shocked that you even registered.

  5. Scored a 71, but only because I allowed my symppathy to cloud the truth. My friends definately used to encourage me to quit talking about my views so much, bur as of late they have been asking more questions.

  6. Ghost of Halloween PastMarch 31, 2010

    Guess I'm so far left I've circled around to the other side.
