Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Teddy Kennedy Wind Farm Approved

Now that Teddy Kennedy has moved to his eternal rest, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has approved the offshore windfarm that threatened to muss up the Kennedy compound view of the Atlantic.

Good for Salazar. I'm not a huge fan of wind power (simply doesn't scale well), but I am in favor of diversifying the supply to the electrical grid.


  1. And who is not a fan of tweaking the Kennedys?

  2. Don't bring up Teddy, please. I'm tearing up, the wounds are opening again. He is so missed, all five foot six, 293 lbs. of him. Teddy's detractors can say what they want, but you have to admit, what a liver!
    Now, you may hear our beloved Teddy was opposed to this wind farm because he thought it an eyesore as he sailed by with some naked stripper swigging his bottle of Chivas. That's a damnable lie. Teddy loved this project and did everything he could to promote alternative energy. That's why he himself, in his personal life, ran on the bio-fuel alcohol rather than food.
    That's why I think we should name this project the Cutty Sark Wind Farm in honor of Ted's great love for sailing...and the other thing.

  3. The Ted Kennedy Wind Farm

    I thought that was the name of their Hyannis Port compound...

  4. I just tee 'em up, GG hits the drives....
