Friday, May 7, 2010

Big Fat Friday Free For All

Been a tough week, gang. Lots of work....

What have YOU been doing? What's got your interest? Let the rest of us know, why don't you?


  1. I would like to talk about Jews and their voting patterns. I read an article this week saying what everyone knew already, Jews vote 75% Democrat on a regular basis. Why? What issues are important to Jewish Americans that are not addressed by conservatism?

    One issue identified with Democrats is the welfare state. So, Does a high percentage of Jews use social services of one kind or another? No, they don't. Although there have been instances of anti-Semitism (and always will be) Jews in America in all regions of America have been not only accepted but embraced. They have prospered to the point that they may be the most successful and powerful small minority in the history of civilization. They don't need the welfare state.

    An important issue for many Jews is the survival of Israel. Are liberals better on this issue? Hell no. Even Redneck guitar playing snake handling Baptist preachers are adamantly pro-Israel (of course the Southern anti-Semite was always a myth anyway). Conservatives have always been Pro-Israel and it's the leftists who carry signs proclaiming solidarity with the Palestinians. And liberals are forever urging concessions for "peace".

    So, tell me, why do Jews vote for the Democrat almost all the time?

  2. R. ThornMay 07, 2010

  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2010

    Good question Hammer, one that I often wondered myself.

  4. Best season of Survivor EVER. Anyone watching?

  5. "The Glamour"May 07, 2010

    BREAKING NEWS: Anti-Gay, Baptist Minister Found With Rent Boy
    One would think this would be dramatic irony at its finest point, but when one considers that this nonsense happens to the most vociferous anti-gay figures all the time, one realizes that it really is not such an incongruity.

  6. I read (and re-read) the Lacrosse article run in The Atlantic, posted by Mt. Thorn. My biggest takeaway from it is that the author - Brian Till - is ashamed at being white and will keep apologising for it the rest of his days. Douche.
