Friday, July 2, 2010

Big Fat Friday Free For All

Well my friends, here we are again at the end of our work week.  What's on your mind?  Anything bothering you about the way things are going in our country?  Anything good going on in your life?  What's your 4th weekend shaping up to look like?

The Kitten and I are having a massive cookout tomorrow afternoon before going off to watch the fireworks on the Tred Avon River.  Eastern Shore summer life is good....


  1. There's been some talk lately of a "double dip" recession. I must have missed when we came out of the first one. GDP rates that factor in government growth probably aren't the best way to measure productivity.
    I heard Pelosi say unemployment insurance is "according to leading economists" the most "stimulative" thing a caring, all loving and insightful government can do. It creates demand in an economy thereby incentivizing (her word) business to invest in inventory, employee etc. Right, and for two years it's worked like a charm.
    Look, sooner or later even the most diehard must face the realization that these people don't know what they're doing. They're very good at kicking down the wall, but as Mr. Sam said, it takes a carpenter to build one.
    We will survive Mr. Obama, but there will be a price to pay for our indulgence in "feel good" politics. If, and I say if, we are fortunate enough to get a RR type (a free market ideologue) at least economically speaking we could be good by 2014, but there are no guarantees. I guess every generation needs their own Jimmy Carter.

  2. Well said Hammer...

    ...and now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go shoo the bear away from the bird feeder. With sunflower seed at $18 a bag, this bruin gets one warning..then I'm plugging him...bear-que for the Fourth anyone?

  3. Damned if I'd be shooing a bear anywhere. He can have the birdseed and as a matter of fact I'll give him a cold one to wash it down.

  4. Enjoy the 4th everyone....we have your back.
