Saturday, July 17, 2010

For My Second Amendment Readers....

Here's a fabulous send-up of the left and its aversion to gun rights.  Very well argued, wonderfully written. 


  1. Agree. A brief review of state by state gun laws:

    reveals much more prohibitive licensing and registration/purchase restrictions that I had first assumed. I know it is Wiki, but in this case it works for me. Having grown up in WI, and having lived in VA for most of my life, you got cash and are not a felon? Done deal. No blessing by local law enforcement, no permit, no registration if you move in from another state. I am actually a little surprised at the restrictions.

    .380 with a laser sight? In Texas? That is going to lose you some voters there, Gov. If you are going to carry, get something that starts with a "4" with the exception of the venerable .357.

  2. Thanks for the post. I agree, beautifully written. Not because he's advocating for gun rights, but because he steadily dismantles the core foundation of progressives until the whole 'structure' is left teetering on but one piece of termite-infested sill.

    America would be so much improved if the progressives progressed themselves across the Atlantic to the kinds of societies within which they so desperately seek to live. For me, I'll live like an American. You know, responsible for my own life, my own wealth, and protective of my rights to own property, bear arms and speak without concern as to whether it disturbs people outside the circle of people with whom I choose to live.

    I feel far safer in a community where people depend on themselves and one another than on some government entity and where it is not only okay, but applauded when one who worked hard and sacrificed obtains more wealth than the rest of us. And not one of us has even a fleeting thought or expectation that the wealthier among our community owe us a damned thing beyond a wave when passing on the road.

  3. My view is a bit more generic. The left doesn't like freedom. They don't trust people to make the right choice concerning guns or anything else. End of story.

    But I do have to take exception to BigFred's assertion that a .380 is not a manly weapon. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I carry a Smith 669, I myself didn't chose a .380. But it's a nice little piece, especially the Walther. And if you factor in the hollow point rounds, BigFred, my Wisconsin brother from another mother, that thing has some decent knock-down power.

    I recently bought a Mosin–Nagant (I know, there's a million of them out there). My intent is to recreate the Battle of Kursk in my backyard. Not quite sure how to build the tanktraps though. Any thoughts?

  4. May I come over with my Mauser K98k? We can recreate the Battle of Stalingrad!

  5. Come on ahead Doc. Damn I'd love a K98. What I'd really like is a Thompson (or an MP-40) but that ain't gonna happen.

  6. I have a Garand, 1943 Springfield.
