Saturday, July 3, 2010

Good fences-er, good earplugs-make good neighbors

A piece (no pun intended) here about a British couple, the female half of whom has been charged with, as Bob Eubanks might say, 'making whoopee' a little too loud for their neighbor's tastes. Seems Steve and Caroline Cartwright (not a pair of 20-year-olds but a couple married for over 25 years), have NIGHTLY bonding sessions from midnight to 3 a.m. and have incurred the wrath of their neighbors. Mrs. Cartwright has received a 12-week suspended sentence with the admonition that she will be jailed if another complaint is received.

I encourage each of you to take a look at the accompanying picture of Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright in the article linked above.


  1. I don't understand it...looking at the guy's picture, it doesn't look like he can breathe out his ears.

  2. AnonymousJuly 04, 2010

    after opening the link...I just threw up in my mouth!!
