Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another Reason Not To Join The VFW...

They've endorsed Barbara Boxer in the California Senate race.  Ridiculous.


  1. Recent VFW PAC Board Meeting Minutes:

    Chairman: Gents, we need to do something to reduce all this membership paperwork we have. With all these wars, enrollments are at an all time high and the paperwork is crushing us.

    Congressional Liaison: I have an idea, let's endorse Nancy Pelosi for reelection. That ought to get rid of a whole bunch of memberships. Wait, she's not running this time. How about someone exactly like her but in the Senate?

    Chairman: The Ayes have it, the motion passes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. But Bryan, you have Gerry Connally running ads on your site...what's the difference, with all due respect? He was Mr. Freshman Democrat lapdog to Ms. Pelosi et al and is now trying to distance himself...another carpetbagger a la Jim Moran (who has now discovered that the "Rumsfeld" building at 395 and Seminary will cause massive traffic problems!)...I can't make this stuff up. But anyway, you ought to check your site.

  4. Shipmate--I don't have Connally running ads--I have Google running ads, and yes, sometimes ads slip by my filter that I would not want to associate myself with. That said, I have a day job, and have no desire to try and keep up with individually nixing ('cause that's what it takes) every single URL that Google sends my way....

  5. Very, very different from a formal endorsement--I hope you can see the difference.

  6. I joined the VFW near my house to get into the gun shows for free, and get first crack at the Christmas trees. I do not believe that I have ever met anyone at the VFW who would cross the street to relieve themselves on Ms. Pelosi if she spontaneously combusted.

  7. This just in...VFW denounces their own PAC.


  8. BigFred, it wasn't the cheap beer that got you there, huh?

  9. I am a PUFL (paid up for life) member of the VFW and AmLegion, so I don't suppose I can threaten to withhold dues. On the other hand, the VFW is denouncing its PAC and saying that it will consider abolishing it at the next convention. The endorsement of Boxer (and other inexplicable endorsements) may have the perverse effect of getting more Vets out to vote against her.

  10. That's interesting, the VFW doesn't control it's own PAC. So what happened, a bunch of crusty old PBR swilling VFW barflies wearing "I've Been Everywhere" jackets decided to farm out their endorsements? This is disturbing.
