Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Love This Guy

Allen West, candidate for Congress.


BigFred said...

While I like his gauntlet toss to the President, I remember West as the guy who was going to shoot a captured Iraqi in order to get information out of him. Not something your average Artillery BnCo is trained to do, at best.

The Conservative Wahoo said...

No, he threatened to shoot him and he may even have discharged his sidearm. That's a long way from "was going to shoot". He has always and continues to maintain that he was trying to scare the guy into giving up valuable info. I'm ok with West's actions.

"The Hammer" said...

I have no problem with him actually shooting the pos. Gentlemen, in the immortal words of Bill Sherman "War is Hell". And what he meant by that was there is a certain amount of violence and horror necessary to see a war to its conclusion. Through violence one must take away an enemy's desire to continue. The sooner that threshold is reached the better, and it will more often than not saves lives in the long run. Like it or not, this is a fundamental fact of war.

Damn, you guys ought to know this stuff. Hell I'm the Signal Corp guy.

Anonymous said...

Thought you didn't dig tea partiers?

The Conservative Wahoo said...

As a rule? No, I don't. But I love this guy.

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