Sunday, October 24, 2010

On The Wearing Of Pro Football Jerseys

There are two kinds of people who should wear pro football jerseys; 1) pro football players (while suited up for the game) and 2) attractive women as a form of night clothing.  That's it.  No one else.

I went grocery shopping today at about noon--one hour before the East Coast kickoff time--and I swear, of the 20 or so men in the store, two were not wearing pro-football jerseys.  One was me, and the other was about six years old.

Am I missing something here?


Ken Adams said...

Yes, you are missing something.

A frivolous expense to no productive end.

Ben Button said...

You were also missing that very few 6 year olds qualify as men.

JRBA said...

Ditto, friend. You are SO correct. Not a hot look.

Sam Shapiro said...

I have one college football jersey to be used for playing touch football. Haven't used it since I bought it 3 years ago.

The Conservative Wahoo said...

Yes Ben, I realize that. But by including him in the grand total, I emphasize that I was the only chronological man in the store without one. Thanks for the help, though.

Doc Milnamo said...

As Prince Ludlow said to Davey Jones on episode 21 of the Monkees:

"You're a pompous windbag, a funk, and a pony!" ;-)

Doc Milnamo said...
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The Conservative Wahoo said...

Doc--guilty on all counts. But that doesn't make me wrong on this.

dear ol' Dad said...

Forget the football jerseys, I can tolerate these but what I can't tolerate is the distinguished looking middle aged men who could be lawers, bankers or top management people in industry, who paint their foolish faces with team colors or dye their hair team colors and act like jackasses.

dear ol' Dad said...
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Everett A. Slawbe said...

Thank goodness I'm not distinguished looking!

Pass the Sherwin Williams please!

Sally said...

No, there are THREE kinds of people who should wear pro football jerseys. While I abhor the dogs in sweaters tradition, I just got done putting Vikings jerseys on the dogs in anticipation of tonight's game. SHUT UP.

Fran Barkenton said...

Keep 'em indoors, Sally. Putting clothes on your dogs is a sure fire way to get your dogs' asses kicked.

Tom de Plume said...

It reminds me of the high school days when the head cheerleader would wear her quarterback boyfriend's jersey the Friday before the big game.

If a man wants to look like McNabb or Favres's be-otch...

Shep Messing said...

English soccer jerseys? Violation.

"The Hammer" said...

You're not missing something, you're just missing.

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