Friday, May 13, 2011

CW on Missile Defense

Should you have an hour to kill, here's a panel I was on earlier in the week.


  1. So I killed an hour watching this.
    Question for VADM Daly:
    "Admiral, given the impending resource cuts, of which force structure is sure to be a part, where will the Navy see manpower reductions to offset the increases required to man the Phased Adaptive Approach units?"

    Question for RADM Horn:
    "How will the Navy leverage MDA to resource the increases in DOTMLP-F requirements as a result of fielding additional BMD ships and Phased Adaptive Approach, to include the basing, sustainment, organizational structure, facilities, training, and personnel bills?"

    Question for CDR McGrath?
    "If you run for office, will you me more successful than the moderator in getting people to raise their hands and vote?"

  2. I watched five minutes of this stuff and my balls went to sleep (I hate it when that happens!).
