Thursday, May 19, 2011

Leaving Only Your Heart Behind In San Francisco

Residents of San Francisco, California will be asked to vote this coming November on an initiative that would prohibit circumcision among males under the age of 18. The act would become a misdemeanor offense, punishable with a fine and prison time, no religious exceptions. Curious, I do not see mention of the banning of the practice of female circumcision.

Every little bit helps, I guess.


  1. I understand that many gentlemen of the gay persuasion can be very particular when it comes to the appearance of a partner's penis.

    What's going to happen 20 years from now when a slew of unclipped newbies starts hitting the bar scene?

  2. Government should keep their hands off our penis', penises, or is it peni? They're a bunch of dickheads anyway.

    I could go on for hours.

  3. Interesting that the good residents of San Francisco want to afford more legal protection for the useless skin at the tip of a penis than a living fetus.

    To point out another, semi-related issue of liberal hypocrisy, I've never understood how PETA reconciles their own forced (against the natural will of the animal) sterilization of dogs and cats. But then again, I've never understood liberals...and hope to God I never do.

  4. When is that big earthquake coming that will send California into the ocean, as the Late Great Warren Zevon (Peace be upon him!) sand about. Fortunately these zemmel wielding Mohels don't have to worry about paying healthcare, because Smiling Nan from San Fran got them waivers. Mazel Tov!

  5. AnonymousMay 19, 2011

    Just a note: Muslim males must be circumcised. That will create a small difficulty, methinks.

  6. Henry IXMay 19, 2011

    How about all those Muslim males who need to be circumcised?

  7. Peter KlippurMay 20, 2011

    So much for bringing my business to ailing California...
