Sunday, July 31, 2011

All Hail The Generational War!

We've been treated to class war as the impetus for social change since Herr Marx dispatched his philosophy of the masses from his London townhome, and while it had a brief run on the scene, its place on the dustbin of history is fairly secure--Nancy Pelosi's attempts to resurrect it as a governing philosophy aside.

But inter-generational war--there's a topic we can get behind.  Guess what all you young hipster Obama voters, you know, the Hope and Change crowd?  Retiring Baby Boomers have voted themselves and other entitlement addicts a steady drip of---not their own money--but YOUR money.  That's right--the young people entering the economy and starting their working life will face higher taxes and fewer choices because of the selfish and endless requirements Boomers voted themselves.  There's this fiction out there that we self-finance medicare and social security, and that "I paid in, so I get deserve benefits!"  Problem is, people are retiring earlier and living longer, thereby sucking up benefits for many, many more years than the system(s) were ever planned for.  Who makes up the difference?  Productive members of the workforce!  That's right--younger people are having their earnings confiscated in order that the most pampered generation in history can enjoy retirement with nearly free healthcare and prescription drugs and an economic status that can only be described as "comfy" compared to older generations of the past --and more importantly--than present generations of younger middle class workers.

Hat tip to Instapundit for this video--which besides having a really catchy riff--pretty nicely sums the method in which the younger generation is getting screwed.


  1. Tom de PlumeJuly 31, 2011

    Oh, it'll get even better when our ever expanding Latino population realizes they are underwriting the retirement lifestyles of the white baby boomers.

  2. TdP - You mean the ones who are here legally and who actually pay taxes, right?

  3. A good indicator of their good faith generosity will be California in about 10 years. I'm sure they'll be falling over themselves with enthusiasm to pay for the retirement benefits of white gringos.

  4. NavyAustinJuly 31, 2011

    TdP has a good point - witness the discontent of the unassimilated Algerians and Tunisians and others who came to France, were consigned to the slums, unassimilated, and now find themselves supporting Pierre's Grand-Mere and Grand-Pere because the native French childbirth rate is below the population rate. Lacking family ties to the recipients, those burdened with supporting them will feel no obligation or remorse in terminating their benefits.

  5. But that termination of benefits will be considered socially acceptable--even laudible. It's only the other way around that is racist, xenophobic, neanderthal, etc.
