Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thanks, Nevada

Every time I see this face on television, my bile for the Nevada Republican Party rises.  You had to nominate Sharron Angle, didn't you?


  1. Kirk Lippold is going to fix that for you, hopefully.

  2. This time he is...

  3. Not anymore he's not.


  4. A bunch of senators actually looked around the room and said 'this guy is the best guy to lead us.' How could this have happened?

  5. AnonymousJuly 19, 2011

    No we didn't have to nominate the conservative Angle. We could have nominated a RINO like the Chicken Lady Sue Lowden instead, but then what? By the way, Nevada also chose Obama over McCain also just 2 years earlier. Maybe Nevada is just a liberal Blue state, like it or not.

  6. Um, how about win? Instead you ran a nut job who squandered a golden opportunity in a landslide defeat for the President. Nicely done.

  7. AnonymousJuly 19, 2011

    What good is "winning" when you elect RINOS? RINOS are just as guilty as liberals for weakening this country, and the blame then falls on the GOP. (Remember the aftermath after the GOP sweep in 1994?) Anyhow, Nevada still chose the liberal Obama over the moderate McCain. Even the state legislature is controlled by Democrats. Face it, Nevada has become East California.

  8. Tom de PlumeJuly 20, 2011

    "aftermath of the GOP sweep in 1994"? You mean the run up in the stock market under a Republican controlled Congress? Yeah, sure don't want anything like THAT to happen again.
