Friday, October 7, 2011

George Will 1, Elizabeth Warren 0

Harvard Professor and sometime Obama regulator Elizabeth Warren is mounting a challenge to the Teddy Kennedy seat in the US Congress, occupied inconveniently at the moment by Scott Brown, who drove a stake into the heart of Massachusetts liberalism by riding a wave of anti-Obama discomfort in the Bay State. 

Mr. Brown was supported strongly by the Tea Party, with whom he has never been close.  It appears the Tea Party may sit this one out, which would quite likely turn the seat back over to the Democrats, broadly, and a new Liberal Lion(ess), Dr. Warren.

Dr. Warren is famously quoted recently as lecturing the rest of us on how no one gets rich on their own.  George Will takes to the editorial pages today to pick apart her fatuous rhetoric.


Mudge said...

Even better was where she reportedly tried to attack Brown for when he said he appeared in Playgirl so he could afford his college tuition. She said "Well, at least I kept my clothes on during college." To which Brown replied, "Thank God."

He should win this year's Winston Churchill Award for that alone.

"The Hammer" said...

Knowing Massassassassassachusettes jerks as I do (did I mention they're a bunch of leftist jerks?), I can almost guarantee Brown is one and done.

Bryan said...

Great piece by Will. Thanks, Bryan. His argument points out the "Conflict of Visions" Thomas Sowell wrote about a while ago. His argument was that two separate mindsets animate political thought and act as a series of unstated assumptions behind peoples' positions.

Liberals think some people are able to step out of society's systems and change them for the good of the whole. This has worked in isolated cases such as the U.S. Constitution and is useful in describing a vision for the future. Conservatives, on the other hand, see society's systems as too complex for successful wholesale change. Incremental improvement and monitoring are more effective at improving conditions for the whole. This obviously is the more common and frequently successful approach.

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