Friday, January 20, 2012

Big Fat Friday Free For All

What's on your mind, folks?   Ex-wife been talking smack?  Can't seem to find those old tax returns?  No one paying any attention to the fact that you really ARE the President?  Let it all hang out, let your freak flag fly....I present the Big Fat Friday Free For All!


  1. An interesting proposal: Students pay nothing for college if they commit to paying a flat 5% of their annual salary for 20 years after graduation. I haven't really thought this through but what jumps out at me is that colleges would be hesitant about some of the more ridiculous curricula currently on offer. So, no more Pell Grants for modern dance, queer musicology (an actual major!) or ufology.

  2. Iowa should be stripped of their rights to first in the nation status. What a bunch of boobs they are in their inability to get the vote totals correct.
