Monday, February 20, 2012

Let Them Eat Cake!

The First Lady on her 16th vacation in three years.....


  1. They always go on vacations where rich white folks hang out: Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, Costa Del Sol, and now Aspen. I thought they were hip and cool? When are they gonna go to Jamaica with Puff Daddy or maybe catch a jazz festival and smoke a little gange? What black person wants to hang out with a bunch of crackers on a mountain freezing your ass off? You'd never catch Al Sharpton on a ski slope.

  2. C'mon CW,that's a tad unfair and you know it. A 5.3 annual vacation rate seems reasonable to me for someone with so much catching up to do. I mean, given her recently-acquired sense of pride in her country, she's got 40-something years of not even realizing that, "Hey! This USA has some pretty cool places to hang out!"
