Monday, February 6, 2012

NRO Asks: Why Not Santorum? Because He Can't Win

The search for The Conservative Messiah, Ronald Reagan as Lazarus, continues unabated in this piece pulled from National Review Online this morning. Why not Santorum?  Simply put, because his unabashed embrace of polarizing views of divisive social issues renders him radioactive to the great mass of moderates who determine the outcomes of Presidential elections.  He cannot win.  The magnitude of his defeat at President Obama's hands would be immense.  The media would hammer him MERCILESSLY on these issues, and it would drown out whatever else he has to say. 


  1. He also carries the stigma of a loser... because he IS one

    Obama would beat him like a rug

  2. Polarizing views? Like being against abortion or gay "marriage"? I didn't realize that Mitt Romney was the anti-Santorum when it came to views like this. Even Ron Paul is trying to suggest he is pro-life.

    I've resigned myself to the fact that I will likely have to vote Romney in opposition to Obama, but suggesting that conservative social views are going to turn too many voters away from Santorum is kind of like suggesting that liberal social views will be the undoing of Barack Obama. This race will come down to economic and foreign policy views; fortunately, Romney (appears) to be on the right in those views (to be sure, he'll need coattails to bring in a Republican Congress as well).
