Friday, January 18, 2013

Dr. K Advises Small Ball--I Agree

Here's a good bit of advice from Charles Krauthammer to GOP leadership.  You can't govern from one chamber of Congress, so why even try?  Instead, make things difficult, put the other guys in a pickle, win little tactical victories rather than lose the grand strategic ones.

I like Charles' idea here--give the Dems a short term debt limit expansion with only one string--the Senate has to pass a budget (which it hasn't done in years).  This will make Senators vote on actual spending levels and policy preferences, which will be important in the 2014 election when there are a few vulnerable D's up for re-election.

Fight the fights you can win.


  1. Brilliant idea Dr. K, but after equally brilliant men drafted a Constitution and many brave Americans gave their lives to defend it, do you really believe the political hoodlums from Chicago and Vegas will suddenly honor this "agreement"? I can see it now. We get the agreement, the gangsters get their blank check and the information bureau goes into overdrive saturating the airwaves and newsstands with how GOP intransigence is blocking the common sense budget with the President's own drastic budget cuts (whisper: "in the rate of increase in spending") that he offered in good faith to the party of no and that they rejected and now the GOP has pushed us to the point, once again, where we may have to "default on our loans". It's colossal, pardon me, bullshit, but for the uninformed and liberal voter, bullshit has become a staple of their diet.

  2. Brilliant idea Dr. K, but after equally brilliant men drafted a Constitution and many brave Americans gave their lives to defend it, do you really believe the political hoodlums from Chicago and Vegas will suddenly honor this "agreement"? I can see it now. We get the agreement, the gangsters get their blank check and the information bureau goes into overdrive saturating the airwaves and newsstands with how GOP intransigence is blocking the common sense budget with the President's own drastic budget cuts (whisper: "in the rate of increase in spending") that he offered in good faith to the party of no and that they rejected and now the GOP has pushed us to the point, once again, where we may have to "default on our loans". It's colossal, pardon me, bullshit, but for the uninformed and liberal voter, bullshit has become a staple of their diet.

  3. If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
    - Sun Tzu, the Art of War

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
